Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in Southwest China

University of Wisconsin-Madison NSF IGERT China Program

Jordan Read


  • PhD Civil & Environmental Engineering, expected: May 2011
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Advisor: Professor Chin H. Wu
  • BS Civil & Environmental Engineering, May 2007 University of Wisconsin-Madison

Awards and Funding

  • NSF IGERT fellow
  • Arthur H. Frazier fellow 2007
  • Durrant Scholarship recipient 2006
  • 1st place, Invent America national competition 1995


    My research interests include the thermal dynamics of inland waters, including interactions with biota and supporting watersheds; biotic response to episodic water column disturbances, and automated field sampling techniques. My interests include extensive laboratory and field work, including experimental design and component fabrication. I enjoy integrating aspects of motion control systems into my lab and field work, and am looking forward to integrating some of these elements into event triggered data logging for environmental variables. Some examples include rain triggered image capture, timer driven water column profiling, and timer driven discrete water sampling.

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